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'Small' Business

Bianca Greenwood

Our small business thus far has been a GIANT ball of fun! Enthusiasm is no doubt what drives us, it always has. I'm sure it's this kind of passion that initially drives many start-ups.

But is there really a need to throw the word 'small' in before describing what we do? I mean, we don't intend for it to be this way forever. But sure, it is that way right now.

I was asked a couple months back if I 'worked'. I stopped to think about my answer (I shouldn't have) and almost felt a bit guilty in saying 'Yes, I have a "small" business'. Sure it's not quite the same as being in your typical 9-5 daily grind. But it is complex in so many other ways, and here's why...

Sometimes, it almost feels like a guilty pleasure. It shouldn't be.

Having come from creative backgrounds, our brains had become accustomed to thinking creatively and problem solving ALL the time. There is a real rush when you're on a roll with a concept, and then there is the hands-on setup and roll-out. Developing ideas from concept to execution is what we do.

After having kids, obviously your daily lifestyle, focus and thinking changes dramatically. These changes have been the absolute best - life with our kids could not be more fun!

But just because our daily routines have changed, our minds haven't necessarily turned off! We still have endless ideas and we needed an outlet for them - enter Hello Kit Co.

But here is where the tricky bit begins. Our 'small' business, does take up a BIG chunk of our lives.

One of the biggest struggles is how do we fairly allocate enough time for it to be successful?

We try to not let it impact too dramatically during the day as we both have the kids full time at home. And let me tell you, the Post Office is no longer a novelty for the kids!

We sneak in a few phone calls and a flat lay or two during the day when the sunlight pours in of an afternoon and when the light is just right. Annnnd when the babies are asleep. Bonus!

Once the kids are down at night, we can get some real work done after 7pm with an Insta post and some more planning, packing of orders (every one is STILL a thrill!) and basically everything else required. It is fun, but it is also really hard. And it is also WORK.

Thankfully we have husbands who get it. They've helped pack our cars full of props, been dragged across town to random suppliers, built us market stalls and helped peel the sticky back off thousands of pieces of Perspex. They believe in what we are doing and know how important it is to who we are.

They are believe that it maybe could be something bigger than 'small'. Right now, whatever size and shape it is, we are trying to make it work and we are having fun, muddling our way through each day doing it.

When you purchase from a local business (size irrelevant!) you're doing so much more. You're supporting innovation, passion... and families.

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